
Obviously we do have

Everton meanwhile have been going about Madden Mobile Coins their business quietly and efficiently, coupling the glory of an FA Cup run with consistently good league results (the only blemish in the last games being the - defeat at Portsmouth) and will be confident in the head-to-head with the Villains on Sunday. We're constantly on the lookout for fresh stories, ideas and issues.

Obviously we do have to cover all the main sports stories but I can be often heard saying to my producer Billy in Bootle's not gonna be interested in that - he want's to hear the latest from this football mad city of Liverpool I am wrong? Do we overdose on our football? Do we look for stories that aren't really there? Do we deliberately instigate debate for the sake of it? As far as I'm concerned there's always plenty to debate on Merseyside when it comes to football and that's what the vast majority of people can be heard talking about in pubs and clubs around the City.This week has been no different, although the focus has been away from Everton http://www.lolga.com/madden-nfl-17/madden-nfl-17-coins.

